<List Page> Interface
Obtain the NFT list under a collection according to the specified filter parameters
Request Address: /api/v2/meta/assets
Request Method: POST
Request Parameters:
"collectionId": "386412091616028672", // Corresponding NFT classification ID
"filters": { //filter
"traits": ["1"], // id array of traits
"traitsRange": {},
"rankRange": { // Rarity Rank
"max": "1000",
"min": "41"
"priceRange": { // Price Range
"max": "",
"min": ""
"keyword": ""
"sort": {
"currentEthPrice": "asc" // Price sort asc(ascending) desc (descending
) },
"fields": {
"buyNow": 1, // Is it available to buy right now
"rarityScore": 1 // The rarity ranking switch is now open
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 30,
Output example:
"resCode": "100",
"resMsg": "Success",
"data": {
"lists": {
"lists": [
"id": "406712478963934208", // nft ID on metapath
"name": "BoredApeYachtClub#4688", // nft name
"platformId": "386405378620468200", // platform ID
"contractAddress": "0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d", // contract address
"tokenId": "4688", // tokenId of the NFT
"currentPrice": "", // current price
"paymentContract": "", // The token contract for the current payment
"paymentDecimals": 18, // payment token decimals
"paymentUrl": "https://images.swft.pro/inch1/0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2.png", // payment token url
"ownerAddress": "0x91aa54ff1715cb86cb9ff5f2476aa853e14e99e2", // NFT holder's contract address nft
"imageUrl": "https://img.seadn.io/files/465211daa013c9ab3db34c9927733fa0.png?h=1024&w=1024&auto=format", // nft image url
"mainnet": "ETH", // NFT mainnet
"rarityRank": "8937", // nft rarity ranking
"traits": "5,61,81,132,145", // nft traits field
"marketplaces": [ // information of the marketplace with the lowest price
"name": "x2y2",
"imageUrl": "https://www.gem.xyz/assets/x2y2.svg"
"paymentTokenName": "ETH" // supported token symbol
"totalNum": "1", // total number
"traits": [ // traits array under the collection
"id": "1",
"traitType": "Background",
"traitValue": "aquamarine",
"percent": "12.66",
"traitCount": 1266
"id": "2",
"traitType": "Background",
"traitValue": "purple",
"percent": "12.90",
"traitCount": 1290,
"type": 1
"collectionStats": {
"floorPrice": "99.8", // collection floor price
"vol": "1012.37", // collection transaction volume
"volPercent": "0.6378851008644516" // The percentage of increase or decrease in trading volume
Last updated