Upload gas free orders

Interface Call Graph

Timing Diagram


  • Call the "Get Rate Interface" to obtain the return value isSupportNoGas, where Y indicates support for gas free exchange

  • Call the "Create Order Interface" and pass the isSupportNoGas field. If successful, the noGasTxInfo field will be returned as the call to be signed_ Data

  • For call_ Sign data to obtain signed data such as r, s, v, rawTransaction

  • Call the "Upload gas free orders", pass r, s, v, rawTransaction, and the orderId returned by the "Create Order Interface" to complete the process

Step 3 Example Code

 const privateKey = ''; // private key
 const transactionData = '{
  gasLimit: 100000,
  data: '0xaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  chainId: 56,
  to: '0x0000000000000xxxxx',
  nonce: 50,
  gasPrice: '3150000000'
 const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(privateKey);
 const signedTx = await account.signTransaction(transactionData);
 const r = signedTx.r;
 const s = signedTx.s;
 const v = signedTx.v;
 const rawTransaction = signedTx.rawTransaction;

1.Interface call:


2. Request parameter instance

3. Example of request parameters

    "orderId": "5d3b383f-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2de8d23a492e",
    "r": "0xxxx",
    "s": "0xxxxx",
    "v": "0xxx",
    "rawTransaction": "0xxxxxxxxx"

4.Example of returned results

    "orderId": "5d3b383f-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2de8d23a492e",
    "transactionHash": "0xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

5.Return Parameter Description

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